The deadline for ALOS-2 tasking orders has been updated (updated on 3rd April 2023)
The deadline for ALOS-2 tasking orders has been updated (updated on 14th March 2023)
JAXA announced the loss of the first H3 launch vehicle, which was carrying the ALOS-3
PASCO participates in the GEO CONNECT Asia 2023 (GCA23)
ALOS-3 liftoff is scheduled for March 7th, 2023 (resetting⑤)
ALOS-3 liftoff is scheduled for March 6th, 2023 (resetting④)
ALOS-3 liftoff is scheduled for February 17th, 2023 (resetting③)
ALOS-3 liftoff is scheduled for February 15th, 2023 (resetting②)
ALOS-3 liftoff delay
The deadline for ALOS-2 tasking orders has been updated (updated on 2nd February 2023)